Still comparing Cyberpunk 2077 footage from the 2020 PS5 release to the 2022 next gen upgrade. It shows a woman with blue hair and a patterned dress standing at a counter and the quality is much better in the second picture.

Cyberpunk PS5 Release vs Next Gen Upgrade Comparison

I’ve put together a quick video comparing the Cyberpunk 2077 release footage with the next gen upgrade that came out in February. I reviewed the 2020 release of Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5 when it came out, but I’ve been really curious to see how the quality has improved with the next gen release.

There’s definitely been a big improvement. When it was released, it felt like a bit of a dated game that had been released too early, and there were issues with a lot of the textures that weren’t rendering properly when the game came out.

Check out the video below for more details – it’s much better if you see the improvement!