Author Kat Clay holding a copy of the 2019 Emerging Writers Festival program in front of a bookshelf

Crime Writing Masterclass at the Emerging Writers Festival

I am so excited to be running a workshop on Killing Your Darlings as part of the Crime Writing Masterclass at the Emerging Writers Festival in Melbourne on Monday June 24.

A little bit about my workshop…

Conundrum: you’ve carefully constructed and cared for a character, but now you need to kill them. Kat Clay is here to teach us how to artfully put characters through the wringer. We’ll question how to create powerful character arcs, how to write death with sensitivity, and timing the right moment for murder in your plot.

My workshop is going to be heaps of fun – it’s about how to write strong character arcs so that your readers will feel the impact of their death. We’ll be fighting well worn crimey cliches so your story has resonance and originality.

The masterclass looks like it will be an incredible day for aspiring crime writers with a chance to hear from some excellent Aussie authors like Mark Brandi, Lindy Cameron and Angela Savage.

You can buy tickets on the EWF website – I would love to see you there! 😀