I’ve been hiding under a shell lately, trying to finish my novel The Memory of Blood. It’s currently at 68, 000 words and counting. I’ve been asked by a few people of late what my process is, how I write…
World fantasy awards, draft swap and Margo Lanagan
On the weekend I attended a draft swap meeting run by a dear friend of mine, Jan Cornall. Jan’s a great facilitator, she’s led a number of wonderful authors from first concept to publication, one of them being the award-winning…
The 13 best films to watch on Friday 13th
With Friday 13th just around the corner, Kat looks at the 13 best films to watch on Friday 13th.
So… you know that book called Twilight?
Kat admits to reading Twilight. And liking it.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Miss Bennet meets the undead. Read Kat Clay’s review of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
Watchmen Review
I’d been meaning to read the book for a while, but the impending movie gave me an extra incentive. So, in about two days, I sliced through Watchmen. I was looking forward to my bus trips and lunch breaks more…